
...we now interrupt these current lack of updates for a message from the Samizdat Radio headquarters in Pittsburgh, PA...

Greetings. Tony's on a date, and I just finished the dishes. How's that for excitement?

Ohhhhh, but we have a plethora of goodies in production at the Samizdat studios. The big news is the premiere broadcast of Samizdat Radio, v2.0. We've got some fun topics, including not-so-current-or-relevant events, reflections on a crappy year, our biases for the awards season, and (of course) the Samizdat Top Ten List. (Any similarity to a certain late night show on CBS is coincidental. We swear.)

That's not all. We've got some non-audio content a-brewing. The life stories of the Voices that host, the Samizdat playlist for this week, and other things to hot for television.


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