
Meet the Voices: Tony

What do I know about Tony? Let's see...

If I had to describe his creative process, I'd have to remember the time when he had to write a script. He had a half-dozen cans of soda, downing two at a time. He was all over the room, scribbling on chalkboards, writing on any blank piece of paper he could find. All the while, he ranted incoherently. It was a beautiful, disturbing sight.

Tony really had a problem with caffeinated soda. After a while, he was up to a case per day. It was out of control. Thankfully, we've got him off the soda kick. All we had to do was get him addicted to coffee.

Anyway, I first met the young Tony in kindergarten. That day, he had to sit in the hall because the teacher put his name on the board (with a checkmark!). Tony's crime was that he never talked. Ever. Fortunately, this process reversed itself, and Tony's mouth is now a registered deadly weapon.

In grade school, he (and the librarian) got me hooked on philatelism (stamps). Luckily, I shook that addiction before it got expensive. However, he also introduced me to cuss words, evil music, and caffeine. The only vice I developed without him was drinking. I did that on my own.

In high school, we had a radio show. It was brilliant. He was funny, I was the straight man.

After Samizdat went off the air, I heard that Tony went to college. He never finished, and when I asked him why, his cryptic response was that it had to do with the movie Twister and the words "study its merits in film class." There was a fell light in hs eyes, so I dropped the subject.

Currently, Tony spends a lot of time managing a movie rental store, watching movies, bitching about movies, and taking dates to movies. Oh, he also abuses the local pet populace. I'd condemn him for it, but his poodle flambe is just so damned tasty.



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